Forklift courses
The course for forklift operators is a series of classes including practical forklift driving classes, teaching how to replace a gas cylinder safely as well as theoretical classes regarding: types and construction of the forklifts in use, operator's actions while handling a forklift, and information including: cargo management, BHP, technical supervision and safe replacement of gas cylinder, as well as self-education with the use of the materials we provide.
During the classes, students receive training from certified driving instructors. Our staff of instructors has a large experience in terms of trainings, which guarantees easy and stress-free learning of how to drive a forklift.
The basic principles we are guided with are: individual approach to every course participant, reliability and indulgence. The system of forklift handling teaching prepared by our instructors will allow every participant, even those who never drove any vehicles, to feel confident, safe and make him quickly master forklift driving technique.
After successful completion of the exam, the student receives the following documents:
- Driver's Authorization for forklifts - all types:
- Stackers
- Reach trucks
- Pallet trucks
- Platform trucks
- Tractor trucks
- Special forklifts
- Authorization to replace gas cylinders in forklifts.
- Certificate of completing a supplementary course for reach truck operators.
- Certificate of completing a supplementary course for man-up order picker operators
Admission requirements:
- Graduated primary school,
- Over 18 years old,
- Medical certificate confirming the student is fit to take a forklift driver course (tests can be made at our facility),
- Photo for ID card,
- Certificate of completion the course for forklift driver course (for people interested in reach trucks and man-up forklifts).
Participation in the course is impossible in case of e.g.: diabetes, epilepsy, monocular vision impairment, serious vision defects, lack of upper or lower limb, psychological symptoms.